Student Librarians

TERM 2 2013

Congratulations to our student librarians who recently received their bonze award - Nathan, Sarah, Ankia, Sneha and Daniel.  We appreciate the work you do to keep our library open at lunchtimes and help with the running of it.  A big well done to Kate who now has her silver award.  Keep up the good work.

TERM 3 2012

Our library is open to the students in their lunch hour from 1:00 p.m. each day.  There are four student librarians rostered on for a lunchtime each day, and they do this for a whole term.  They do lots of great things in the library like returning books, tidying shelves, issuing books, checking that all library users are behaving in an appropriate way.

They have the chance to work towards, Bronze, Silver and Gold awards by completing certain tasks as they gain library knowledge.

This term we have some great student librarians who have been doing a wonderful job.

Thanks guys, keep it up!


  1. i love being a libarian. im the one that as the light in my face form the flash

  2. It's really fun being a student librarian. Especially since I'm in the middle of going for my gold award.
    Also Jan is one of my favorite teachers and is very helpful. Love the book week displaying the library from last week. Was a great week.


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