About Our Library


We are very proud of the library here at Redwood school. It is considered the hub of our school and has over 8000 books for children to enjoy.

Children have the opportunity to go to the library at least once a week with their class and the library is open from 1.00 – 1.20pm every day for the whole school. These lunchtime sessions are run by senior students who are working towards their library awards.

Below are a few tips to make sure your child can make the most of our wonderful library at Redwood School.

It is essential children have a book bag for their class library time or if they want to issue or return books during lunchtimes. No books are allowed to leave the library unless they are in a book bag. Book bags keep books clean and protect them from any mishaps or spills in school bags.

Issuing books
Children are allowed to issue two books for two weeks. They can renew books that they haven’t finished reading by bringing the book into the library during their class library time or at lunchtimes. Once books are issued, it’s a good idea to have a designated area at home to store them and also keep them safe from pets and little brothers or sisters. It also makes it at lot easier to locate them when they have to be returned!

Once a book is a week overdue, a reminder slip is given to your child. If the book hasn’t been returned by the following week, a second reminder slip is given. Once the book is three weeks overdue, the book is considered ‘lost’ and a letter is posted home requesting the book be returned, or that payment be made for the book. A thorough search is made of the library before this letter is sent.
This is an automatically generated letter. Given the time lapse with posted mail, it‘s possible your child will have returned the book by the time you receive the letter. If this is the case, the letter can be ignored. Occasionally books are returned to the class but not to the library, particularly in our junior classes.  Sometimes books are returned to the public library by mistake. If you have any concerns regarding this matter we are very happy for you to ring the library on 232 7704 ext 7122, or email us at library@redwood.school.nz. Once payment is made, or the book is found, our records are adjusted and your child can resume borrowing books. If the book is subsequently found and returned before our ‘end of year’ stock-take, a refund can be given.

Damaged books.
We understand accidents do happen. If a book issued to your child gets damaged we would appreciate your child returning the book directly to Jan for repair. Please do not attempt to repair rips with cellotape as we use special UV resistant tape for library books. If books are damaged by water, they need to be dried gently by standing the book upright, with pages separated. If a book is damaged beyond repair, a letter will be sent home requesting payment for the book.

Rachel Gargan and Jan Loader
Redwood School Library Team

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